The Conquerors Wiki


There are plenty of Game Passes in The Conquerors 3. These Game Passes allow players to gain more experience, change their team colors or allow them to buy Skins for their units

Double Experience


As the name implies, it gives you twice the amount of XP a player gain, had they not bought the gamepass.

Change Team Color

Change Team Color

As the name implies, this game pass allows players to change the color of their team. Players are allowed to chose from 49 different colors after purchasing this game pass. Players can change to any color that is available to them when they open the color team change menu.

(Players can not change into colors that are already occupied by another player and related ones)This game pass is not needed to use the Rainbow Team Color Or Black-White Change Team Color gamepasses.

Rainbow Team Color

Rainbow Team Color

The rainbow team color pass allows the player to have their team color be rainbow-like. This is done by constantly changing the color of the player's team.

When this pass is equipped with a player, it affects everything that depends on the team color setting. One example of this is when you have a unit and equip this pass, the team color part will constantly change colors.

Note that this game pass can be enabled regardless of if you have the change team color game pass or not.

This game pass is currently the most expensive game pass.

Black-White Change Team Color (Not for sale currently)

Black-White Change Team Color

The Black-White Change Team Color allows the players to have their team color to change between shades of black and white. Like the Rainbow Team Color pass, it constantly changes the player's team color.

Note that this game pass can be enabled regardless upon if you have the change team color game pass or not.

Interface Color Changer Gamepass (Discontinued)

Interface Color Changer

This gamepass lets you change the theme color of your interface to the color of your choosing. To use this, click on your profile button and you'll see a blue button that will open the interface color change GUI. Beta players need not buy this.*This pass is set to come back at a later date*

Stats Gamepass (Discontinued)

Stats Gamepass

[If you're a beta player, you need not buy this! ] This gamepass shows you a graph of the whole round's population since the round started(soldiers, tanks, planes, buildings, navy). It's a good way to gauge how dominant teams have been or are being. You can open the graph by opening Profile and clicking on View Stats Graph. This gamepass is more of a neat aesthetic than a tool to help you win rounds easily.

2X XP Dev Product

2X XP boost

This Dev Product allows you to purchase 2 hours of double XP for 30 Robux -The XP Timer only goes down while your in-game and your team is alive -It Stacks with the 2X XP gamepass allowing for 4x XP!

Skin Box Products

-Epic Skinbox

-Triple Epic Skin Box

-Quintiple Epic Skin Box

-Sharing Skinbox

-WWII Skin Box

-Futuristic Skin Box

-Modern Skin Box

-Sci-fi Skin Box

-Star Wars Skin Box

-Japanese Skin Box
